Birds Soaring & Sailing!

 Birds Soaring & Sailing!

Image from James
Image from James B, (same bird, but taken on different date)

We arrived at Duncombe Park at 12:30pm in hopes of seeing a Black Kite. When we arrived, someone mentioned that the bird hadn't been seen for a bit, last being seen dropping down behind some trees. However, Steve (the person we were talking to) mentioned that he wasn't ticking it with the views he got, as with the views he had he couldn't confirm it, but the guys who got in on the scope said it was it. After waiting for a few minutes, we saw a few Red Kites, Buzzards and Kestrels when suddenly (at around 1:00am) someone shouted that they had the Black Kite above the treeline, in front of a cloud. I scanned in the direction he was describing and saw it. It was quite distant so I couldn't get it in my camera, however you were able to see the dark shape in the sky with a naked eye. A kind birder got it in their scope and let me take a look at the majestic raptor. I watched as it soared towards the castle before dropping down out of view. After the encounter, Steve showed me an image he managed to grab showing the bird's tail nicely, confirming its ID. We then waited another hour for the bird to give better views but to no avail, so we set off for a Hooded Merganser.

My digiscoped image of it

We arrived at Whinfell Tarn at about 5:30pm for the reported Hooded Merganser. When we arrived, we met up with Wayne and started scanning the tarn. After being told of the best spot to view from, we headed there and continued scanning. After an hour and a half of waiting, someone said the bird had just flown in from above our heads and landed with the Tufted Ducks. I then looked through the Tufted Ducks and I saw a larger bird with a bigger head. It was the Hooded Merganser! I watched as it hanged about with a female Tufted Duck, until it settled along the bank, that it was known to roost on. After managing to get a digiscoped image of it, we decided to call it a day and head home.

Overall a good day with two rare lifers (Black Kite & Hooded Merganser!)


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