Successful Southern Expedition!
Successful Southern Expedition! image from eBird We set off at 1.30am and arrived at RSPB Pulborough Brooks at 6:20am in hopes of seeing Nightingales. We walked along the trail, which we were told was very good for Nightingales, and started listening for their song. We then came to the end of a path and saw a sign saying to look out for Nightingales. Suddenly, a burst of song broke out from the bushes. It was the sweet song of a Nightingale! I looked around, trying to locate it; when I saw a plain, brown bird with a grey chest and throat singing on the edge of a bush. It was a Nightingale. I listened and watched as it flitted about but was unable to get a record shot, due to the branches in front of it. image from Thomas Inns, not same bird Feeling satisfied with my views, I then started hearing a Cuckoo which was a bogey bird of mine and a bird I have been trying to see for years. I went to a viewpoint overlooking the scrape near a playground and sc...