The Last of My 2022 Birding Shenanigans!

The Last of My 2022 Birding Shenanigans!

My phonescoped image

We arrived at Elmley NNR (5hrs away) at 10:30am in hopes of seeing Penduline Tits. When we arrived, we walked down a path that lead to where the Penduline Tits were last reported. We saw lots of Golden Plovers, Lapwings, and Curlew along the way to the Penduline Tits. Halfway along the path, we then got a call from Rob (@RobsBirding) who said the Penduline Tit was showing well further up. I then ran dangerously towards where the Penduline Tits were seen and met up with Evan (a young warden there) and Rob who let me look through his scope directed at the Penduline Tit! I enjoyed watching it as it flit from one branch to another.  After getting good views and a digiscoped image of it, we went to the old ruins to try to see a Dartford Warbler, which Evan had found a week ago, that was still showing. We did a quick scan but to no avail. We then said goodbye to Evan and we went to Oare Marshes KWT in hopes of seeing our next target.

My digiscoped image of it

We arrived at Oare Marshes KWT at 1:00pm in hopes of seeing the numerous Water Pipits that had been seen recently. Rob said he had 10 a few days ago, and he rang up a birder who had seen at least six of them this morning, while we were at Elmley. We met back up with Rob and then walked towards the pool near the slipway. Almost immediately he got onto two Water Pipits at the back. I was ecstatic to see a bird I had dipped and misidentified several times. I managed to get a digiscoped image of it. We also saw a few Snipe flying about as well as a probable Jack Snipe. Unfortunately, due to the light, if I wanted to get to RSPB Dungeness before dark, I needed to set off now. We said goodbye to Rob and then did the one-hour journey to try to get the last lifer of the day!

My digiscoped image of it

We arrived at RSPB Dungeness at 3:00pm and after getting directions to where the bird was, we headed straight there. We met a young birder named Max who gave us directions to the bird. The Green-winged Teal was on a small island fairly close and showed quite well, allowing for some good digiscoped images of it. Also on the island were Eurasian Teals and Coots. After getting good views and images, we made our way to the ARC Hide, seeing a Stoat whilst in the car. As soon as we reached the car park, we saw a Merlin silhouetted in the dark on a post before it flew off. We then walked to Hanson ARC Hide, and along the way saw two Egyptian Geese fly over. When we entered the hide, we were surprisingly met by two Glossy Ibis, close by, on an island with a Greylag Goose. This was a bird we knew were present but didn't expect to see. After failing to get any pictures of them due to the light, we went back to the car and headed home.

Overall, an amazing last twitch with 3 lifers (Penduline Tit, Water Pipit & Green-winged Teal)!


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