Spoonbills Finally!

 Spoonbills Finally!

We arrived at 7:00pm in hopes of seeing some Spoonbill. We headed straight for the Coal Tips Trail and took two rights two view the flashes. We saw a Green Woodpecker on a post while on the trail. We then viewed The Moat where we saw three Spoonbill fly in and out of the trees with one even landing on the water near the end. They did this quite and, other than them flying, they weren't doing a whole lot. Though, never the less, it was a new tick! Cormorants, Little Egrets and Grey Herons were also present in the heronry as they flew in and put of the trees as they completed their fishing trips. While getting caught up in the moment track of time and had to rush to the car park before it shut at 8:00pm. Overall, a brilliant way to end the day!


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