

(image from internet, didn't see Blue-Headed subspecies)

We arrived at 5:00 in the evening (after a successful day at RSPB Bempton Cliffs). As soon as we arrived, a couple pointed out a Little Owl by the old miner. We viewed as it sat in plain sight on a wooden post, not seeming bothered that we were less than three meters away from it. We then headed on, looking for the Wheatear that had been seen earlier. We had no luck. We then noticed that a group of birders had seen something. I quickly went over and two my surprise, I saw my first Yellow Wagtails of the year. They flew over, calling as they glided towards the fields. They said a male Whinchat had been reported on the fence in the distance but we couldn't find it. We continued along the path where the Black-Necked Grebes where, watching a Greylag Goose go into the canal with all its gosling. Just then, the movement of something diving caught my eye. It was a Black-Necked Grebe. There was a pair on each side of me. I viewed them through my scope and then I made my way towards the car when suddenly a group of birders gestured me to come. We then went to an undisclosed location to finish off the day, where I saw a Long-eared Owl hunting over a field, along with a a Barn Owl, which came surprisingly close to the Long-Eared Owl, also hunting over the fields, catching a few mice before flying out of view. Overall, an epic day!


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