Hobbies Hawking and Bitterns Booming and... FLYING!

 Hobbies Hawking and Bitterns Booming and... FLYING!

We arrived at 3:00pm (after a brilliant day at RSPB Frampton Marsh) in hopes of seeing Hobbies. When we arrived, we trekked through a woodland and towards the RSPB area. We asked the RSPB staff at the welcome stand about the Hobbies and after a few seconds. He pointed one out as it flew almost above our head, then joined by another. That high, they looked almost like swifts with wider wings. The colouration was completely shadowed by the sun. He mentioned that they'd been Bittern flying from a viewing platform to the left of us up the hill, overlooking two reedbeds. We saw another Hobby fly past and could hear the Bitterns. We then waited about a minute until my first Bittern ever flew out of the reeds to the other side. Shortly followed by another. We then headed back, seeing a female Roe Deer close up and a pair of Great Crested Grebes. A short, yet phenomenal trip!


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