Wader Fest!

 Wader Fest!

We arrived at 4:30pm in hopes of catching a glimpse of the rare Black-Winged Stilt seen from Nel's Hide a few minutes ago. When we arrived, we saw it. To the right of the hide was a Black-Winged Stilt feeding far out on the flooded fields. We viewed it as it foraged besides a Curlew. Just as we were about to leave, a Ruff flew in and joined the flock of Avocets on the bank of the main lake. We then went to Sandgrounder's Hide where we saw a Little Ringed Plover, a first for me this year, at the bank of the pool; viewable from the screen outside. It ran along near the grass before laying down, camouflaged within the dry mud. Just then, a bobbing wader caught our eye. On the grass near to the Kingfisher Post was a Common Sandpiper, another year tick, foraging and then flying off. A brilliant way to end the day!


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