Gulls, Sandpipers and Partridges!
Gulls, Sandpipers and Partridges! We first set of for WWT Martin Mere, seeing a pair of Red-Legged Partridges on the way on Southport New Road in the fields. When we arrived, we headed straight for the UU (United Utilities) Hide in hopes of seeing Cuckoos but had no luck so we headed to the Discovery Hide in hopes of seeing a Ruff in breeding plumage. Just then, two small gulls with black heads were seen bobbing in the water before coming onto the bank. There were two adult Little Gulls in complete summer plumage. A new tick for me! We then headed for Newton Marsh by Clifton Business Center- location pinned to blog- in hopes of seeing a reported Jack Snipe Rob had told us about. We had no luck for Jack Snipe but did see a Wood Sandpiper really close up, about four meters away. Another new tick for me! There were also Avocets, Skylarks, Little Ringed Plovers and Common Sandpipers as well. Lastly, we went to RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands where we saw two Willow Warblers and a male Blac...