Rare Finches!

 Rare Finches!

We arrived at 7:30am in hopes of seeing a rare, large finch, that I've never witnessed before. We went towards the viewing deck in front of the café, where we met a ranger named Rob. We were in luck as he said he did Hawfinch watches here at Sizergh castle. We could hear the Hawfinches, yet couldn't see them. A few minutes later, Rob let us look through his scope, pointed at a male Hawfinch feeding underneath a Hornbeam Tree. It continued to feed on the seeds and then flew off. A first for me. He then showed us a female just behind a small bump feeding. Their beaks were phenomenal, such a unique looking bird. Eurasian Nuthatches, Song Thrushes, European Greenfinches and Great Tits were also around. He then pointed the scope at another two males and one female in a tree until they flew off. The Hawfinches were stunning and in abundance. Rob could see my love for birding and it was obvious we needed guidance. He agreed to be my mentor and gave us his email. He also gave us some much needed advice. He took my top ten wanted species and promised to do all he could, to help me see more birds. Overall, an excellent morning birding.


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