

We arrived at 6:10am in hopes of seeing some Great Bitterns. We went to the Causeway where we were greeted to the continuous booming of Great Bitterns, a sure sign they were there. We went towards the Causeway Hide, seeing a Eurasian Wren on the way. There, two juvenile European Otters were seen playing with each other while the mother was somewhere nearby, probably hunting. We continued along the Causeway when we stopped at the channel crossing to scan the reedbeds yet we saw no Great Bittern. We heard a possible Red Fox along the way but never saw it. Common Pochards, Common Snipe, and many more were out but no Great Bitterns. We then headed towards the saltmarsh where we saw Black-Tailed Godwits, Pied Avocets, Eurasian Oystercatchers and Common Redshanks feeding in huge numbers out on the lagoons. We then arrived back on the main reserve. We went to the Grisedale, Tim Jackson and Lilian's Hide without seeing anything. We then went to the Causeway Hide where we saw a mesmerizing, breathtaking murmuration. Hundreds of Common Starlings gathered and formed a stunning spectacle to end the day.


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