Ducks and Warblers!

 Ducks and Warblers!

We arrived at 9:40am in hopes of seeing a Long-Tailed Duck. We rushed straight towards front desk to get some information. We found out that it was a female viewable from the Bridge Screen. It had been showing well for two weeks so we'd be unlucky if we didn't see it. We went there straight away, not stopping in any hide. When we arrived, it was there. At the back of the lake, by the reeds, a female Long-Tailed Duck briefly made an appearance before diving down again and then back up. After viewing the duck, we headed up to Burton Viewing Point in hopes of seeing Eurasian Woodcock and European Green Woodpecker. We had no luck with them but did catch glimpse of a Common Chiffchaff by the railway bridge. A nice sign of Spring. We then went back to the mere where some Egyptian Geese had been seen. We only saw a Cetti's Warbler to end the trip.

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