Deer Stags!

 Deer Stags!

(image from internet)

We arrived early at 8:20am ​in hopes of catching a glimpse of the Eurasian Otters that are making an almost daily appearance at the Lower Hide. We were told that 3 Eurasian Otters were out 20 minutes ago and are best seen at 8:00. We then went past the Lower Hide into the woodland in hopes of seeing some a Common Chiffchaff that had been spotted there. We had no luck but did hand feed 2 Marsh Tits, Eurasian Blue Tits and Great Tits. We also saw a large flock Eurasian Siskins along with two male Eurasian Bullfinches and a Eurasian Jay. We then made our way to the Lilian's Hide where we saw a Northern Shoveler/ Cinnamon Teal hybrid. The bird has escaped from an ornamental garden and is wild. It comes to Leighton Moss nearly every Winter and may also stay during the summer. Not a wild bird though. We also saw lots of Common Snipe, a Common Redshank a Great White Egret, Northern Shovelers, Mallards, Eurasian Teal, Northern Pintails and a male Common Goldeneye. We also managed to spot a pair of Western Marsh Harriers hunting. We then went back on the Causeway and into the woods where we saw a Red Deer stag jump over two fences, pause, and then disappear. A perfect sighting to end the day. 


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