Mammals, Mammals and Plovers

Mammals, Mammals and Plovers

When we arrived, we headed straight down towards the Ron Barker Hide. We were fixed in a certain spot. Out feeding on the lake were many waders including Northern Lapwings, Eurasian Oystercatchers and Pied Avocets. A few waterfowl including, Common Shelduck, Mallards and Eurasian Teals joined them. Presently, a WWT volunteer said he'd just seen a Common Kingfisher dive in the water and fly onto a branch before he lost it. We came over and waited in case it came back. Just then, another gentleman in the hide reported to us of a Roe Deer by the lake. A deer would be a stunning sight to see so I rushed over and there it was! The majestic stag drank along the water's edge though was somewhat hard to view due to the direction of the sun. I continued scanning until the head of a weasel popped up. I alerted everyone and we had our eyes glued to the bridge until it came. The tiny, yet fierce, predator was a Stoat. I ran across the bridge and jumped into some long grass by a gate. I then went back to try to find the Common Kingfisher when someone said they'd seen another, wetter one and he showed me a photograph. To finish off the day,the WWT Volunteer spotted a Little Ringed Plover as it fed in the dried up lake with some Common Starlings, a nice lifer to end the day with!



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