Infuriating Wrynecks!!

Infuriating Wrynecks!! We arrived at Spurn YWT at 6:30am, to search for a Wryneck that was showing well yesterday, (along The Canal). I checked the rocks briefly, to no avail, and then walked along the canal towards the seawatching hide; which was very quiet, except for an Arctic Skua and a few Scoter, Wigeon and Red-throated Divers were also seen. We then ran towards the Canal Scrape Hide when we heard the radio message of a Jack Snipe showing well, yet when we arrived, we got the sad news that it had JUST flown away. We waited for a bit, again no avail, and then rushed back along The Canal to go see a reported Yellow-browed Warbler; in the Crown & Anchor car park. Along the way, we saw a crowd of people staring at the rocks. I asked someone what had been seen, and he replied Wryneck!. My face lit up as I rapidly searched for it, when I finally saw it fly onto a rock and land in view, briefly. Then, the radio said a Yellow-browed Warbler, caught in the mist nets, that was goi...